Welcome to Shadowhaus TV Seminary, your online center for learning and preparing to engage in our immersive interactive experiences. Here, you will discover a wealth of knowledge about the various elements that make up our captivating "Interactive Psychic Story" adventures, along with detailed guides on how to fully participate and make the most of your journey. Whether you are new to the psychic realm or seeking to enhance your abilities, Shadowhaus TV Seminary is your gateway to understanding and mastering the mystical world that awaits you.

What is "Interactive Psychic Story?"

For further information regarding our ongoing endeavor, "Interactive Psychic Story," we invite you to visit our dedicated "about us" page. There, you can delve deeper into the details and background of our captivating project.

What is a Narrative?

In the context of online, interactive, and immersive storytelling, a narrative refers to the overarching story or plot that guides the user or participant's experience. It involves the presentation of a sequence of events, characters, and themes that are crafted to engage and captivate the audience within a digital or virtual environment.

The narrative structure may include branching storylines, multiple choices, and interactive elements that allow users to actively participate and shape the outcome of the story.

The goal of an online narrative is to create an immersive and engaging experience that encourages user interaction and emotional involvement. It can incorporate a combination of text, images, videos, audio, and interactive elements to transport the audience into a virtual world where they become part of the story and its unfolding events.

Interactive and immersive storytelling in the online realm provides an opportunity for users to have a more personalized and engaging experience compared to traditional forms of storytelling. It allows for greater interactivity and agency, enabling users to have a sense of control and influence over the narrative's direction and outcome.

Ultimately, an online, interactive, and immersive narrative seeks to provide a dynamic and captivating storytelling experience that leaves a lasting impression on the participants.

In each season of the captivating series "Interactive Psychic Story," you will find several recurring elements that add depth to the narrative. Curiosity arises about the distinction between a mysterious "Shadow Monster" and an enigmatic "Smitch." Furthermore, one might wonder why a "Villain" exists within the realm of a Psychic/Spiritual encounter. Fortunately, all these perplexing queries find resolution on our comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions page. Simply pay a visit and unravel the secrets behind these intriguing aspects of the story.

Shadowhaus TV Facebook Page

The pivotal hub for all public interactions and revelations will be the Shadowhaus TV Facebook Page. To stay connected and engaged, it is crucial that you follow and mark this page as a favorite. Here are the steps to accomplish this:

1. Visit our page and locate the three dots as shown in the image below.

2. Click on the three dots to reveal a dropdown menu.

3. Select "Following" from the menu options.

4. Next, choose "Favorites" to prioritize our content.

5. By following these steps, you will receive notifications whenever we share something new, ensuring you don't miss out on any part of the immersive experience.

How do I know what the Emojis mean on the Facebook page?

Gaining an understanding of the meanings behind the emojis utilized on Facebook is crucial for seamless interaction with Shadowhaus TV. These emojis serve as valuable tools in following the story and provide assistance in catching up if any details are missed. Familiarizing yourself with these emojis will enhance your engagement and overall experience with Shadowhaus TV.

Within the realm of narrative progression, there exist two emojis that do not have a direct correlation or connection 👇

📌: Denotes a post from the Shadowhaus TV administrator that does not contribute to the ongoing storyline. Consider this as an announcement or formal declaration.

📲📝: Symbolizes an interactive endeavor that serves as a practice, distinct from the ongoing storyline.

These emojis hold a direct correlation or connection within the realm of narrative progression 👇

🔛: Represents the title of the ongoing narrative being showcased.

🆕📕: A new segment of the narrative designed specifically for the ongoing storyline.

🆕🎬: Fresh multimedia material associated with the ongoing storyline.

🟢: The current storyline has recently commenced or is still in its initial stages of presentation.

🟡: The ongoing narrative is approaching its halfway mark.

🔴: The current storyline is on the verge of reaching its conclusion.


🔛Interactive Psychic Story


A new segment of the narrative designed specifically for the ongoing storyline of “Interactive Psychic Story.” The current storyline has recently commenced or is still in its initial stages of presentation.

🧩: A challenging puzzle that requires the collective effort of individuals to solve, enabling the progression of the narrative.

✍️: Embodies a component of the interactive process that necessitates the completion of a disclaimer.

🎟️: Embodies a segment of the narrative that necessitates private interaction or task fulfillment, distinct from publicly visible actions. This is typically accompanied by the fulfillment of a disclaimer requirement.

💭: Embodies commentary pertaining to the ongoing narrative and storyline. This is frequently observed when Shadowhaus TV recaps significant elements of the story.

graphical user interface, application
graphical user interface, application

You may be invited to embark on the "Interactive Psychic Story" experience, apart from our public Facebook group, and it will be essential to familiarize yourself with the workings of the "Microsoft Teams" application. By acquiring the necessary navigation skills, you will unlock a world of immersive possibilities.

Shadowhaus TV will message you privately from the Facebook Page on Facebook Messenger to coordinate your private experience. There is nothing you need to do until you hear from us.

The 4th Wall

The "4th Wall" is a concept commonly used in theater, film, and literature. It refers to an imaginary boundary that separates the fictional world from the audience or readers. It is essentially an invisible wall that allows the audience to observe and engage with the story while maintaining a clear distinction between the realm of fiction and reality. Breaking the 4th wall refers to instances when a character or narrator directly addresses or acknowledges the audience, shattering this boundary and blurring the line between the fictional world and the real world.

It is important to note that even if one knows the creator personally, the 4th wall should not be broken. The purpose of the 4th wall is to preserve the integrity and immersion of the narrative. By acknowledging the audience or addressing them directly, it can disrupt the suspension of disbelief and take the audience out of the story. Regardless of any personal connection or familiarity with the creator, it is essential to respect the storytelling format and the intended experience for the audience. This adherence to the 4th wall allows for a more immersive and engaging narrative, enabling the audience to fully invest in the world created by the author or creator.

Points System

In every installment of the "Interactive Psychic Story" series, participants have the opportunity to accumulate points that hold significance and lead to a rewarding outcome. Each season introduces a unique name for the score. This scoring system presents an engaging challenge for each individual, allowing them to push their limits while actively shaping the course of the narrative.

Why are Comments disabled on some posts?

Throughout the course of each experience, you will come across certain posts that allow comments, while others do not. The decision to disable comments is typically made for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it may be because the storyline has progressed, and commenting on older posts might only serve to confuse people. If you find yourself needing to catch up, please visit the recap page.

Another reason for disabling comments is the nature of the posts themselves. Take, for instance, the "Puzzles." We want to provide everyone with an equal opportunity to solve these puzzles without any spoilers. Therefore, there will be a special method for you to submit your solutions. Once the puzzle is closed, and with your consent, we will have a unique way to inform everyone if you have successfully solved it, particularly if you were among the first three individuals to do so.

Elements of a "Season"

"Interactive Psychic Story" is a captivating production that goes beyond the ordinary storyline, incorporating essential elements that define its essence. For participants, understanding these key components is crucial for a fulfilling experience.

To begin with, the show introduces unique "Lessons" in each season, serving as the cornerstone of the entire narrative. These lessons delve into psychic phenomena, spiritual realms, metaphysical truths, and even the mysterious world of the paranormal.

Moreover, "Tasks" are presented to participants to offer practical application of the lessons learned. These tasks are personal and intimate, often completed in a private setting to respect the sensitivity of the experience. They serve as a hands-on approach to internalizing the lessons learned.

The inclusion of "Puzzles" adds an interactive dimension to the journey, requiring participants to rely on their intuition and psychic abilities to solve them. These puzzles are designed to challenge and stimulate growth, encouraging participants to embrace the unknown and trust their instincts.

Finally, "Checkpoints" are strategically placed throughout the journey to gauge the retention of knowledge and growth of each participant. These checkpoints vary in format each season, providing a reflective opportunity to measure progress and understanding.

In essence, "Interactive Psychic Story" offers a unique and immersive experience that combines storytelling with interactive elements, guiding participants on a transformative exploration of the psychic realm.

How to make a YouTube Video Unlisted

YouTube provides users with the ability to upload videos as unlisted, allowing for private sharing without the need for public visibility. This lesson will provide step-by-step instructions on how to upload a video as unlisted on both desktop and mobile versions of YouTube, as well as how to share the unlisted video link with others.

Differences between "Interactive" and "Immersive"

There are some distinctions between this experience being “Interactive” and “Immersive,” and as the participant you can choose both if you want!

The term "interactive" refers to the ability to actively participate and engage with a particular medium or experience. It involves a back-and-forth interaction between the participant and the medium, where both parties influence and respond to each other. In an interactive experience, the participant has a degree of control and influence over the outcome or progression of the experience, and the medium or system responds to the participant's actions or inputs.

On the other hand, "immersive" refers to the act of completely immersing oneself in or becoming deeply absorbed in an experience or role. In the context of storytelling or online experiences, immersion often involves the participant adopting and embodying a character or persona within the narrative or virtual world.

The concept of immersion allows individuals to fully engage with the story or experience, suspending disbelief and becoming emotionally invested in the narrative or virtual world. It involves willingly suspending one's own identity and embracing the role of the character, which enhances the sense of presence and connection to the virtual or fictional environment.

Immersing oneself is akin to the sensation you experienced as a child, wearing a costume for Halloween trick-or-treating, filled with the courage that made you believe you were invincible.

While you are not required to take on a persona during the “Interactive Psychic Story” experience, others may choose to do so. This immersive experience offers a plethora of benefits, ranging from escapism to self-exploration, fostering creativity, and promoting social connections.


Immersing oneself as a character in an online, interactive experience provides an escape from the monotony of everyday life. By assuming a virtual identity, individuals can temporarily detach from their real-life responsibilities and immerse themselves in a captivating digital world. This escapism allows for relaxation, stress relief, and a break from the pressures of the real world.


Engaging in an online, interactive experience as a character provides a platform for self-exploration. By adopting a virtual persona, individuals can experiment with different personality traits, skills, and abilities that they may not possess or express in their everyday lives. This exploration allows for personal growth, self-discovery, and the opportunity to step outside of one's comfort zone.


Immersing oneself as a character in an online, interactive experience nurtures creativity. By assuming a virtual identity, individuals have the freedom to create and shape their character's appearance, backstory, and motivations. This creative outlet stimulates imagination, problem-solving skills, and artistic expression.

Social Connections:

Engaging in an online, interactive experience as a character facilitates social connections with like-minded individuals.

The ability to immerse oneself as a character in an online, interactive experience offers a myriad of benefits that enrich individuals' lives. From providing an escape from reality to facilitating self-exploration, nurturing creativity, and fostering social connections, these immersive experiences have become a significant aspect of modern entertainment.

The choice of how much you want to immerse is completely at your discretion.

Have Fun and be respectful of others.

Puzzles & Psychic Ability

Unlocking Your Psychic Potential Through Brain Puzzles

1. Sharpening Mental Agility:

Engaging in brain puzzles is an incredible exercise for your mind. These activities stimulate various cognitive functions, including memory, problem-solving, and pattern recognition. By consistently challenging your brain, you can enhance your mental agility, which is a crucial aspect of developing psychic abilities.

2. Expanding Awareness:

Solving brain puzzles requires you to think outside the box, encouraging you to explore unconventional approaches and consider multiple perspectives. This approach fosters a mindset of expanded awareness, allowing you to perceive the world beyond the limitations of the five senses. As you train your mind to embrace new possibilities, you may find your psychic abilities naturally beginning to awaken.

3. Heightening Intuition:

Brain puzzles often require intuitive leaps and gut feelings to solve. This reliance on intuitive thinking can strengthen your natural intuition over time. As you hone your puzzle-solving skills, you'll start to notice your intuitive insights becoming more accurate and reliable in various aspects of your life. Trusting your intuition is a key aspect of developing psychic capabilities.

4. Enhancing Focus and Concentration:

To successfully solve brain puzzles, you need to cultivate a state of deep concentration and focus. By regularly engaging in these activities, you train your mind to maintain heightened awareness and block out distractions. This ability to concentrate is directly transferable to psychic practices, enabling you to maintain a clear and receptive state of mind during psychic readings, energy work, or meditation.

5. Strengthening Psychic Connections:

Solving brain puzzles can also facilitate the strengthening of neural connections within your brain. As you exercise different areas of your brain, you create new pathways and enhance communication between various regions. This enhanced connectivity has the potential to heighten your psychic abilities by facilitating better information processing, perception, and intuition.

Remember, developing psychic abilities is a personal journey, and results may vary from person to person. It's essential to approach this path with an open mind, patience, and a sense of curiosity. So, embrace the joy of solving brain puzzles and enjoy the journey of uncovering your psychic potential!